Krish Deep Learning @Paralleldots, prev @BITS_Pilani. Interests: DL, CV, Multimodality, Medical Imaging, ML, Prog, Metal, GPUs

Hi! I’m Sri Krishna. I’m primarily a DL research/engineering person at Paralleldots. I also collaborate with the Cognitive Vision group at Orebro Uni/Uni of Bremen. I was associated with Red Hen Lab in the Google’s SoC program for couple of years. I did my undergrad at BITS-Pilani, Goa. Nowadays, I mostly work on computer vision (local features, keypoint/descriptors, few shot, fine grained, weakly supervised, object detection). Earlier, I worked on medical imaging for real world. Very much interested in Multimodal ML as well. I listen to music a lot, read more here. Some part of this website is used to put down my thoughts and ideas into writing, so read at your own risk :)

If you want to get in touch or collaborate please reach out to me via email :).









  • email: skrish at protonmail dot com
  • email: skrish1113 at gmail dot com / PGP Fingerprint : 5CB5 0938 9192 7273 AA4A 08C6 91BC 3903 D865 379D (Please use PGP)
  • twitter: @skrish_13
  • github: @skrish13
  • linkedin: @skrish13
  • google scholar: link